Today is a very special day. Today, three years ago, I married a very amazing man, your Daddy. I am a little in awe at how quickly time has passed. It seems like forever, and like barely a day. I anticipate this is what it will feel like to watch you grow, as if you were always here and yet that I still have so much to learn about you. I have been wanting to write to you about your Daddy for several weeks and I think today is an excellent day to do it.
You are such a lucky girl because you are going to have an wonderful Daddy who already loves you very much. In a way I am a little jealous, but mostly just so grateful. I can't wait for him to make you laugh. He is a very funny guy and he may give you a hard time and playfully pick on you but always remember it is all out of love ( he does it to me too). He is such a kid at heart that he will always be coming up with new fun ways for you to play together (and pick on mommy).
He will discipline you sometimes (when necessary) but he is patient and fair and will always hear you out. Your Daddy gives the best hugs, hands down. There is nothing more comforting than to be wrapped in those strong arms. Your Daddy maybe scared of snakes (I don't blame him) and heights (maybe we can get him over this) but what he is not afraid of is hard work to get the things that he wants. I hope you inherit this from him. He is resourceful and practical and he is good about keeping you grounded.
I can't tell you enough how amazing he is and how excited I am for you that he is you Daddy. Daddy's are very important to a little girl (little boys too I think, but I can only speak from my experience).
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Baby Bump Update
I posted this picture on facebook this weekend but noticed I haven't posted many baby bump pics on here lately or really at all. I'm just bad about taking pictures of myself and Curtis always gets home from work after the sun has gone down, making pictures with good lighting impossible. This was taken the day after Christmas as we were heading to Houston.
Today I realized that as of Saturday it will only be 2 1/2 months until Mia is here and I panicked for a moment. I am so excited for her arrival but also terrified. I am assuming this is totally normal. I mean it's a big deal to realize that while all my life I have been the daughter, in a very short time I am going to be the mom. I will be the protector, comforter, teacher, and hopefully friend. That can be a lot of pressure if you think too much about it. Thankfully I have an amazing mother so I have a great example to follow. I anticipate many WWMD (What would Mom do?) moments in the future.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Nursery Decor Ideas...
In the home stretch!
27 weeks and 6 days.
On Tuesday we had our first appointment of the third trimester. We are officially in the home stretch! I can't believe that in about 3 short little months Mia will be here. I feel like I know her already. She moves so much, almost constantly poking and prodding me. She "dances" to music with a strong beat and pushes back when she is pushed on. There have been some great moments of interaction with her Daddy, but I will save those stories for another entry.
This doctor's appointment was super early because I had to take the glucose test. I have heard people describe the substance you have to drink as flat orange soda but to me it was thicker than that. It was more like drinking several melted popsicles, mainly gross. It's also not the best thing on an empty stomach. I had to force myself to keep it down. After an hour of reading magazines and trying not to vomit, they pricked my finger, took my blood, and I was told I failed. I wasn't too surprised. I know several family members who had gestational diabetes. I was still a little disappointed. So far everything about my pregnancy has been great and this is the first snag. I have to go back after the new year for a longer 3 hour test, which is really what will determine if I do in fact have gestational diabetes. I am hoping this test will be positive. Curtis and I are going to start walking 30 minutes a day and I am going to cut out the few sugar rich foods I eat. This should help according to the doctor.
After the test we had our third trimester ultrasound, which I think should be the last unless something concerning happens. She was very cooperative for the technician and let her get all the measurements she needed. Even, though I lost weight (2 lbs) since last visit she is doing great. She is measuring a few days bigger than her due date and weighs 2lbs. 3 oz. I can hardly believe she is so big! It is such a blessing to know she is growing strong. The picture above was one of the best pictures we got to take home. It really is the sweetest face I have ever seen. I think she's got my nose, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
On Tuesday we had our first appointment of the third trimester. We are officially in the home stretch! I can't believe that in about 3 short little months Mia will be here. I feel like I know her already. She moves so much, almost constantly poking and prodding me. She "dances" to music with a strong beat and pushes back when she is pushed on. There have been some great moments of interaction with her Daddy, but I will save those stories for another entry.
This doctor's appointment was super early because I had to take the glucose test. I have heard people describe the substance you have to drink as flat orange soda but to me it was thicker than that. It was more like drinking several melted popsicles, mainly gross. It's also not the best thing on an empty stomach. I had to force myself to keep it down. After an hour of reading magazines and trying not to vomit, they pricked my finger, took my blood, and I was told I failed. I wasn't too surprised. I know several family members who had gestational diabetes. I was still a little disappointed. So far everything about my pregnancy has been great and this is the first snag. I have to go back after the new year for a longer 3 hour test, which is really what will determine if I do in fact have gestational diabetes. I am hoping this test will be positive. Curtis and I are going to start walking 30 minutes a day and I am going to cut out the few sugar rich foods I eat. This should help according to the doctor.
After the test we had our third trimester ultrasound, which I think should be the last unless something concerning happens. She was very cooperative for the technician and let her get all the measurements she needed. Even, though I lost weight (2 lbs) since last visit she is doing great. She is measuring a few days bigger than her due date and weighs 2lbs. 3 oz. I can hardly believe she is so big! It is such a blessing to know she is growing strong. The picture above was one of the best pictures we got to take home. It really is the sweetest face I have ever seen. I think she's got my nose, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Dearest You,
Tonight after dinner your Daddy and I drove around looking at Christmas lights and listening to Christmas music on the car radio. We reminisced about favorite holiday memories and fantasied about Christmas' to come that will be shared with you. There are so many traditions that our dear to our hearts that we can't wait to experience with you, from decorating the tree, to the surprise of Christmas morning. It's like all the holidays we have experienced our whole lives are about to be brand new.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Mia's Christmas Wish List
I am only posting this by request. I have been telling anyone that asked that if you want to get Mia something for Christmas just check the registry but someone made the request that I think of a few things we want for Mia but don't necessarily need. So, here are a few things I'd like Mia to have (that she doesn't need.) Plus, these would be good gift ideas for any baby girl.
Cute hair accessories are a little girl must. This is my favorite design from Etsy seller ummashin. She has adorable hats and headbands for all ages. I love that the colors are so modern and trendy. It makes it easier to match to outfits.
Have you seen anything so adorable??? I am in LOVE with these shoes. In general I think Baby shoes impractical for children not actually able to walk yet but when the shoes look like this how can you say no? You can find them here in many different colors, but I can't get enough of apple green.
I just think this Texas shaped teething toy is the bomb! Curtis and I are very proud to be from the Lone Star State and I just think this is such a cute (but not over the top) way to show that love. Little Sapling Toys has many different states in their collection so show a little pride in your own state, even if it's not Texas.
The Cloud B Gentle Giraffe - Travel Sound Machine. A few weeks back I came across this online, probably on one of the many blogs I follow but I fail to remember where exactly. That same week a customer that came into the store had one and I got a chance to ask her what she thought of it. She said she loved it and that it really helped sooth her daughter to sleep while they were out and about running errands. So, I have been wanting one ever since. The cheapest I have found it is Amazon.
I hope this little list helps out with Christmas shopping. :)
Cute hair accessories are a little girl must. This is my favorite design from Etsy seller ummashin. She has adorable hats and headbands for all ages. I love that the colors are so modern and trendy. It makes it easier to match to outfits.
Have you seen anything so adorable??? I am in LOVE with these shoes. In general I think Baby shoes impractical for children not actually able to walk yet but when the shoes look like this how can you say no? You can find them here in many different colors, but I can't get enough of apple green.
I just think this Texas shaped teething toy is the bomb! Curtis and I are very proud to be from the Lone Star State and I just think this is such a cute (but not over the top) way to show that love. Little Sapling Toys has many different states in their collection so show a little pride in your own state, even if it's not Texas.
The Cloud B Gentle Giraffe - Travel Sound Machine. A few weeks back I came across this online, probably on one of the many blogs I follow but I fail to remember where exactly. That same week a customer that came into the store had one and I got a chance to ask her what she thought of it. She said she loved it and that it really helped sooth her daughter to sleep while they were out and about running errands. So, I have been wanting one ever since. The cheapest I have found it is Amazon.
I hope this little list helps out with Christmas shopping. :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dearest You,
Amelia Maria,
Your name has been a long time in the making. It all started when your Great-great-great-grandmother Essie Mae named your great-great grandmother (her 1st born) Loraine Marie. Loraine in turned named her first born, your great grandma (Gigi), Margie Marie. Then Gigi named your Grammi, also the first born Carrie Marie and finally your Grammi named me, Nicole Marie. So, you see little one your middle name is very special. You share it with four generations of beautiful, strong, inspiring (first born) women.
Everyone wants to give me credit for choosing your full name (apparently it just sounds like something I would choose), but I can't take it. Amelia was 100% your Daddy's idea and it just happened to be perfect. We brainstormed many names for you, well mostly I did, your Daddy just approved or denied. When it came to girl names he denied every suggestion I had. He is a evil master mind and he would come up with every bad nickname I hadn't thought of for all my suggestions. So, finally I told him to suggest one name, just one and we would hope I liked it. With barely a moments thought he said, "Amelia," and it was perfect.
Amelia Marie is a special name but I also know the great advantages of having a nickname. So, to those who love you, you will be our Mia. I have already started calling you by your name and so far you seem to approve. ;) I hope that continues for the rest of your life because as I said your name is very special, it is yours.
Your name has been a long time in the making. It all started when your Great-great-great-grandmother Essie Mae named your great-great grandmother (her 1st born) Loraine Marie. Loraine in turned named her first born, your great grandma (Gigi), Margie Marie. Then Gigi named your Grammi, also the first born Carrie Marie and finally your Grammi named me, Nicole Marie. So, you see little one your middle name is very special. You share it with four generations of beautiful, strong, inspiring (first born) women.
Everyone wants to give me credit for choosing your full name (apparently it just sounds like something I would choose), but I can't take it. Amelia was 100% your Daddy's idea and it just happened to be perfect. We brainstormed many names for you, well mostly I did, your Daddy just approved or denied. When it came to girl names he denied every suggestion I had. He is a evil master mind and he would come up with every bad nickname I hadn't thought of for all my suggestions. So, finally I told him to suggest one name, just one and we would hope I liked it. With barely a moments thought he said, "Amelia," and it was perfect.
Amelia Marie is a special name but I also know the great advantages of having a nickname. So, to those who love you, you will be our Mia. I have already started calling you by your name and so far you seem to approve. ;) I hope that continues for the rest of your life because as I said your name is very special, it is yours.
Baby Time
The last few weeks since Thanksgiving have been full on stress. I haven't thought about anything but school. I've fallen behind on everything that was not necessary and now it's time to play catch up. We have a month break between semesters this time round and that is such a relief to me. I've had so many people ask me how I am enjoying being pregnant and honestly I've hardly had time to think about it. At least not as deeply as I would like. I really want to take time to enjoy this experience over the next month. I have plans to super clean the house, and get the nursery in order. I want to get a chance to enjoy the holidays, next year it will all be different. It's so strange to think this is Curtis and my last Christmas and New Year just the two of us. Next year we will be a bonafide family. :)
Over the break I am also planning to update more often. Ultimately, once a day is my goal but with how busy we will be I am doubting that I will achieve it. Several times a week would make me happy though. Wish me luck and stay tuned! Lots of exciting things to come.
Over the break I am also planning to update more often. Ultimately, once a day is my goal but with how busy we will be I am doubting that I will achieve it. Several times a week would make me happy though. Wish me luck and stay tuned! Lots of exciting things to come.
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