Friday, August 26, 2011

Whatcha gonna do?

With the semester starting in full force Monday I am not sure how often I am going to update on this blog. I doubt it will be as much as I want since I haven't been able to achieve that over the summer. I do plan to post pictures though. I've even considered only posting pictures here instead of on multiple networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) I hope that will be enough for the time being. Of course if I can do more I will. I'm still trying figure it all out. Here are a couple of gems from our week.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School Blues

I am not ready for school to start yet. I know it will only be two days a week but it will add a lot to my work load. I've really enjoyed these lazy days of summer. We sleep in most mornings, laying in bed "talking" to each other and eventually head downstairs for breakfast. Once school starts our mornings will be much more rushed. I have definately enjoyed every minute and plan to keep doing so. We still have a whole week before the craziness starts.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wish You Were Here

My sister Heather...what can I say? She is amazing and I admire her so much. She is compassionate, smart, beautiful and spiritual in that alluring rather than deterring way. She left for Haiti this morning to teach at an orphanage until December. I'm not sure why I feel more disoriented now than I did before. We haven't lived in the same house for years or even in the same town or state, but for some reason this time I feel a hole in my heart. I feel a little more alone in the world. I miss her. I know she will be safe. I feel confident she will do a lot of good. It's just hard sometimes to leave things to God and scary to trust what is not in our control to change. I think what makes the difference is the inaccessibility of her situation. I will not be able to pick up the phone and call if I want to hear her voice. I will have to wait until she has time to read and respond to my e-mail and Skype is just out of the question. I definitely take our technology for granted when it comes to communication.

Sorry, I am too upset to write about this now, more later. Plus, a Mad About Mia post tomorrow.

Monday, August 1, 2011


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