Amelia's Nana is a teacher (previously pre-k.) So, she sees the learning/play potential in the most unlikely of items. I have been giving Amelia fruit/veggie pouches for months. Sometime after I start Nana suggested I hold onto the brightly color lids for future sorting items. This is in fact a brilliant idea! Amelia loves playing with them and they are big enough she can't swallow them. Plus when she gets a little older we can use it for color and numbers. Can you find all the red caps? How many blue caps do you have? etc... It's just too bad for me that she likes to throw them everywhere.

Monday, February 27, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Ties That Bind
My cousin Rachel and her family live in The Philippines as missionaries. My Aunt and Uncle have lived their my whole life and I remember with fondness their trips to the states during my childhood. When I was little I took things like my large close family for granted. I don't anymore. I treasure the chances I get to spend with my cousins and their children and I can't wait for Amelia to experience what it is to have a numerous and loving extended family.
Yesterday Amelia and I went to the park with Rachel, her husband Clint and their two children Andrew (3yrs) and Lily (5 mouths). I think Amelia had a lot of fun! Afterwards we hit up Half-Price Books and spent a little early birthday money. We also spent the evening at my grandmothers and didn't make it home until midnight. Needless to say, we slept in this morning.
Yesterday Amelia and I went to the park with Rachel, her husband Clint and their two children Andrew (3yrs) and Lily (5 mouths). I think Amelia had a lot of fun! Afterwards we hit up Half-Price Books and spent a little early birthday money. We also spent the evening at my grandmothers and didn't make it home until midnight. Needless to say, we slept in this morning.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Great Cloth Diapering Adventure: Smartipants Cloth Diaper Review
Smartipants rock! That is the simplest way to put it. I came across the brand in an ad on Facebook (social networking ads really work...). I was intrigue since I was in need of replacing several diapers that had been loaned to me. I read the statement by the designer Jessica and read about all the features, then I looked at the price. Are you kidding me? They are incredibly affordable. I thought, what the heck? I'll give'em a try.
Once they arrived I did a little inspecting before washing. The outside design is similar to the Fuzzi Bunz and Charlie Banana that I own. I like that it has the overlapping snap tabs. It's great for getting a slim fit which is crucial for Amelia. The Smart Sleeve (the pocket is open at both ends) makes it so that you don't have to pull the insert out of a soiled diaper. It comes out in the wash. Too good too be true? Nope. It really works that way. I've been using these for over a month now. They have become my favorite diapers. I love the bright colors. The only thing that would make me like 'em more is if they were available in cute patterned fabrics.
I have been in no way compensated by Smartipants. I just really like this product!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Last Saturday
This weekend we went to the book store and had way too much fun. Before Amelia, my friend Rachel and I would meet for coffee about once a week at the local Hastings. Since Amelia arrived we haven't got to do that, but this past Saturday we did! I brought Amelia along and we had a great time watching her wondering down the ailes, pulling books from the shelf and finally discovering the train track and trains. She cracked us up fugitively running off with the trains and making us chase her. She has become really obsessed with playing chase, or well tempting others into chasing her...I guess she gets it from playing with the dogs, since they follow her everywhere. After about an hour Amelia conked out and we got to enjoy some grown up conversation with a little coffee on the side. We had such a fun time I can't wait to do it again!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
It's raining, it's pouring...
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