I originally found this idea on Pinterest. Amelia likes to point at the various pictures around the house as a request for the person's name. We often go around pointing out grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. So, when I came across this idea to repurpose holiday greeting cards I thought Amelia might like it. I don't have many holiday cards left and we don't often get very many. To make up for the lack I just went through pictures I already had printed. I didn't have as many pictures as I would have liked, but it is a nice start. Amelia had a blast looking through all the pictures as we selected which to include in her book. Once finished, she sat down and flipped through it over and over pointing to all the pictures of everyone she loves. I would like to add more pictures of family so I will probably be sending out requests for more up to date photos. I also think it might be worth it to compile all of the photos in a printed photo book from a company like Shutterfly.
Monday, October 22, 2012
DIY Photo Prayer Book
I originally found this idea on Pinterest. Amelia likes to point at the various pictures around the house as a request for the person's name. We often go around pointing out grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. So, when I came across this idea to repurpose holiday greeting cards I thought Amelia might like it. I don't have many holiday cards left and we don't often get very many. To make up for the lack I just went through pictures I already had printed. I didn't have as many pictures as I would have liked, but it is a nice start. Amelia had a blast looking through all the pictures as we selected which to include in her book. Once finished, she sat down and flipped through it over and over pointing to all the pictures of everyone she loves. I would like to add more pictures of family so I will probably be sending out requests for more up to date photos. I also think it might be worth it to compile all of the photos in a printed photo book from a company like Shutterfly.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Just so you know...
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Great Cloth Diapering Adventure...a follow up.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
This and That
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Play Dough
Amelia has been kind of driving me mad as of late. It's like we've entered the terrible twos 6 month early. She is constantly asserting her independence and strong will. I hope that the determination she uses to defy me is one day used to help her move mountains because right now it's pushing me to the brink. I decided that maybe we could make it through the day without pulling all my hair out if she had a new distraction. So, I made play dough from this recipe here. I found several recipes on Pinterest but this is the only one I had all the ingredients for on hand. It worked pretty well. I added the extra 1/4 cup flour but I think next time I will leave it out since our batch ended up grainy. Now, if I can just keep her from eating it. I suppose it's better than dog food which is a daily battle.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Off To See The World
![]() |
I feel I need to explain that she isn't strapped in because we were parked at the time. |
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Easter Egg Hunt
Friday, April 13, 2012
Am I really there?
It's almost summer! But it won't be summer like it was last year or well really any year ever before because I will be taking summer school and doing an internship (Lord willing, I have yet to find anyone who will let me work for them, did I mention for free?!?). I am already trying to saver ever minute I get to be home with Amelia but a couple of things have put things in perspective for me lately. One is the fact that the our life style will be changing a lot, very quickly. Once this semester ends I will no longer be a stay-at-home-mom, possibly ever again. I feel really blessed that we have been able to make this work while I have been in school but once I graduate I will be entering the work force. It makes me sad to think I will never have time like this with Amelia in the future but at the same time I really enjoy design and am excited for my future working experiences. I guess this is just all part of the modern mother's dilema. How to balance giving our child/ren everything and still finding a place for ourselves.
Anyways, this has made me reconsider how I spend my time with Amelia. It bothers me a little bit, how distracted we can be by our technology. I am not a technophobe, in fact I practically sleep with my smart phone but that is what I have been thinking about. Am I really there when I spend time with my daughter or am I on my laptop or cellphone? I have noticed that on the days that the computer stays off and the phone is charging upstairs Amelia and I get along better. She has less meltdowns and gets into less trouble, which makes me wonder if she isn't trying to get my attention on those other days. So, I want to make a resolution that when Amelia is awake that my laptop stays off and my phone is only to be answered if someone calls. No more distractions. I can never get this time back.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
DVF loves GapKids
Preview Here |
Thursday, March 1, 2012
My 20 Rules For Raising a Daughter
I got the idea for this post from Pinterest. I have seen several different lists floating around and I thought it important to make my own. I'm calling it a list of rules but really it's my goals for what I want to teach Amelia. It felt good to sit down and really think about the things I want to teach her. As a parent it can be easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget about the big picture. I hope to come back to this list often to get a little perspective.
1. Teach her to care for her appearance but remind her living and having fun are more important.
2. Let her dress herself, even if she wants to mix stripes with a floral print. Let her experiment with her self expression.
3. Let her make mistakes. It’s tempting to try to protect her from pain and disappointment but it is what we learn from the mistakes we make that make us who we are.
4. Be present. Don’t call watching TV together “family time.” Get down on her level and play. This teaches her she is valuable.
5. Teach her to be independent. Follow your dreams and passions. Let yourself be defined by more than just what others expect of you, but by your attributes. Lead by example.
6. Let her get messy. Splash in puddles, dance in the rain, make mud pies. The best memories are often the messiest.
7. Believe in her. It is in those moments of self doubt that she will need you to believe enough in her for the both of you.
8. Encourage her father to spend time with her, just the two of them. She needs that relationship to learn how to accept/expect love and respect from men.
9. Compliment her often. She needs those reassurances and she needs to know of your pride in her.
10. Let her pretend. Let her believe in fairy tales. She will have her whole life to live in reality. Let her find magic in the ordinary.
11. Read to her. Just like pretending, reading will open new worlds to her. Help her discover the wonder of words on a page coming to life. It’s a joy that will be with her for life, but starts with you.
12. Sing and Dance. Do it often. Show her the simple joy of jammin’ to your favorite song with the windows down and the wind in your hair. Help her compose the soundtrack of her life.
13. Teach her to love by loving her and passionately expressing it. Love her father, teach her to love a man like him, someone who lets her be herself and loves her for it.
14.Listen. Communicate. Talk, share secrets and dreams. Teach her that her point of view and opinion matter.
15. Be there to comfort her, whether she is sick or broken hearted. Let her lean on you. There is nothing like a mother’s care to make everything alright again.
16. Pray with her daily. Teach her how to talk with God. Show her how to have a relationship with Him by sharing yours.
17. Take time to enjoy the simple things. Every so often spend a day just enjoying time together. Bring her into bed with you one morning and lounge around until noon, cook together, laugh together, be silly. These are the moments she will hold onto and try to replicate with her children someday.
18. Teach her to try new things. Be there to catch her when she falls and help her back up while encouraging her to try again. Have adventures together!
19. Show her how to laugh at herself. Having a sense of humor can help make even the stickiest situations better.
20. Be her friend. This will teach her how to be a friend. Teach her how to recognize and hold onto a good friend and how to let the others go.
I am curious, what are your rules for raising daughters? Or sons?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Cheap Entertainment
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Ties That Bind
Yesterday Amelia and I went to the park with Rachel, her husband Clint and their two children Andrew (3yrs) and Lily (5 mouths). I think Amelia had a lot of fun! Afterwards we hit up Half-Price Books and spent a little early birthday money. We also spent the evening at my grandmothers and didn't make it home until midnight. Needless to say, we slept in this morning.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Great Cloth Diapering Adventure: Smartipants Cloth Diaper Review
Smartipants rock! That is the simplest way to put it. I came across the brand in an ad on Facebook (social networking ads really work...). I was intrigue since I was in need of replacing several diapers that had been loaned to me. I read the statement by the designer Jessica and read about all the features, then I looked at the price. Are you kidding me? They are incredibly affordable. I thought, what the heck? I'll give'em a try.
Once they arrived I did a little inspecting before washing. The outside design is similar to the Fuzzi Bunz and Charlie Banana that I own. I like that it has the overlapping snap tabs. It's great for getting a slim fit which is crucial for Amelia. The Smart Sleeve (the pocket is open at both ends) makes it so that you don't have to pull the insert out of a soiled diaper. It comes out in the wash. Too good too be true? Nope. It really works that way. I've been using these for over a month now. They have become my favorite diapers. I love the bright colors. The only thing that would make me like 'em more is if they were available in cute patterned fabrics.
I have been in no way compensated by Smartipants. I just really like this product!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Last Saturday
This weekend we went to the book store and had way too much fun. Before Amelia, my friend Rachel and I would meet for coffee about once a week at the local Hastings. Since Amelia arrived we haven't got to do that, but this past Saturday we did! I brought Amelia along and we had a great time watching her wondering down the ailes, pulling books from the shelf and finally discovering the train track and trains. She cracked us up fugitively running off with the trains and making us chase her. She has become really obsessed with playing chase, or well tempting others into chasing her...I guess she gets it from playing with the dogs, since they follow her everywhere. After about an hour Amelia conked out and we got to enjoy some grown up conversation with a little coffee on the side. We had such a fun time I can't wait to do it again!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
It's raining, it's pouring...
Friday, January 27, 2012
Amelia's Room
A few weeks ago I borrowed my mother-in-laws DSLR. I've been playing with it and getting to know the manual modes as well as the auto features. I finally took pictures of Amelia's room today. It's as finished as it's going to get in this house and I like how it's turned out for the most part. Let me know what you think.